Research Forest is one
of the three major arterial access roads into The Woodlands from I 45. As
always intended, the proposed overpass will be located in a heavily wooded
median area between the existing lanes of Research Forest. The existing lanes
of Research Forest Drive will remain as feeder roads. The proposed overpass at
Grogan’s Mill has been part of The Woodlands mobility plan for the past 30
years. The overall roadway plan for The Woodlands was covered by the Community
Impact Magazine in their April, 2013 issue.( Community Impact Magazine The WoodlandsHGAC Transit Options )The map included in this article summarized
the roadway expansion that will be needed at some point in the future. The Woodlands was
designed, and rights of ways were provided, to accommodate this expansion. Many
of our residents have not been aware of these plans and may view some of the expansion
to accommodate our future growth in a negative light. But with growth, which is
inescapable for a successful community, comes mobility challenges.
The Grogan’s Mill and
Research Forest Overpass has always been in the cards. This proposed
improvement is only one of several that will ultimately be needed to alleviate
the growing congestion on Research Forest Drive. Today, there are approximately
35,000 vehicles using Research Forest every day. This road serves approximately
41,000 thousand residents living within the Town Center, East Shore and the
Villages of Cochran Crossing and Alden Bridge. In the next five years, it is
forecasted the office space around Grogans Mill/Research Forest will grow from
10 million square feet to 18 million square feet. Today, there is only .4 %
vacancy in Class A office space. This growth in office space is needed to
support a forecasted increase of approximately 300 employers who will add over
13,000 jobs during the next five years. During this same period, it is expected
the number of residents living within this “downtown area” will increase to
almost 7,000 people. These changes will result in a vibrant, economically
robust urban area, but also an area where mobility will be a major constraint
unless roadway and transit improvements are forthcoming in the coming years.
Based on February 2012
and 2013 Traffic Studies, the intersection at Grogan’s Mill and Research Forest
is now rated an "F" and is forecasted to only become worse with this
coming growth. Every engineering firm that has reviewed this project agrees the
proposed overpass will help reduce congestion in the area.
This project’s next step
will be to complete the environmental assessment. Many of the concerns
expressed to date will be more fully addressed during this phase. However, many
of the recent objections to the proposed overpass by a small number of residents
and business have already been mitigated by the proposed design. Residents in
the City of Shenandoah should not be affected by the overpass. The proposed
overpass is not within their city limits--the closest lot within their city is
approximately 400 feet from the northern right-of-way of Research Forest Drive.
As always intended, the proposed overpass will be located within the current
wooded median between the existing lanes of Research Forest Drive. As such, the
expanded overpass lanes will be located further away from existing residents
than the current road. The forested area between the existing road and the
adjacent residential neighborhood of Prosewood is 70 feet and will be
preserved. Access to the businesses adjacent to the proposed overpass will be
actually be improved and made safer though the feeder road design and
incorporation of U- Turn Lane allowing any west bound traffic to reverse course
to the east.
Due to the significant negative reaction from the City of Shenandoah and Township residents in Grogans Forest to the proposed overpass, it has now been agreed that this project will be removed as submitted. Instead HGAC is seeking approval for a front end design and environmental assessment project to look at all the possible solutions to the congestion at this intersection. Commissioner Noack will be estbalishing a local steering committee to provide over sight to the project. At present, the project is waiting final approval by HGAC
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