Thursday, October 3, 2013

2014 Reforestation Plans

In their 2012 forest audit report, American Forestry Management recommended we continue our planting program but to do so in a different way. They recommended that we  should continue to plant trees over the next 4-5 years but to focus on planting much smaller trees and create more species diversity that was more drought tolerant. Their thinking was that the forest will regenerate itself but only within the bounds of the species that exist today. AFM believed we could improve the heath and drought tolerance of our urban forest by planting other native species. They cautioned against planting large trees (30 gal) and focus more on seedlings and 5-15 gallon trees, based on the fact that these trees are less costly and can survive with much less watering by man and instead rely on nature.  

Last year I thought this was sound advice and still hold this opinion. What did the Township do in 2013- we ignored the advice and decided to purchase 1,340- 30 gallon trees, 40% of which have died. This cost well over $300,000. To me this was "pandering" to those residents that wanted such trees planted in areas adjacent to their houses. Our action ignored what the "experts" said was best for our forest and the best use of our money. 

Now we are proposing to repeat this experience abeitedly with only 800 trees but still at a cost of $134,000. over 50% of the total proposed cost.  It is proposed that we can lower the mortality rate and the wasted money by watering more often. But the proposal still falls well short of the weekly watering suggested by the Texas Forest Service. Arbor Care, a local arborist firm, recommends:
- One year old-- For a tree that you can wrap your hands around its trunk, it needs at least 30-50 gallons of water every week. In dormant season, water every two weeks
- Two Years old- water every 1-2 weeks all year round
- Mature Trees- water once a month (during a drought, water every 2 weeks).
Are we prepared to ensure this sort of watering plan? I think not.
For all of the above reasons I recommend we eliminate the 30 gallon trees for 2014 and focus only on using the 5 gallon trees

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